Get The Dirt On Healthy Soil

Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime and Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Gypsum are designed for quick release and work in the top layer of soil to retain nutrients where plants use them.  Both items are concentrated formulas that allows 25 lbs. to cover 5,000 sq. ft. while others require up to 30-50 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Buy fewer bags and get better results!
Contains no PHCA which flushes the nutrients through the soil profile beyond reach.

Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Gypsum
Loosen Clay Soil and Fix Salt Damage

•  Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Gypsum starts working immediately to help loosen compacted soil, including heavy clay soil and repairs salt damaged soil.
• Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Gypsum quickly improves soil structure; allowing better air and water penetration and promoting better root development and growth.
• Use on lawns, vegetable gardens, flower gardens and ornamental beds.
• Apply any time of year, but spring and fall are best. Works especially
well on salt damage after winter.
• Benefits the environment by
reducing nutrient runoff.
• Apply to animal urine spots to encourage recovery.

Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime
Raise pH and Improve the Soil

Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime helps increase the pH of acid soils, while also creating a proper soil environment.
• Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime will help green up the turf by boosting the effectiveness of fertilizer, increasing the availability of nutrients, reducing weeds and moss and increasing seed establishment.
• Use on lawns, vegetable gardens, flower gardens and ornamental beds. Apply any time of year.
• Benefits the environment by reducing nutrient runoff.
• University tests have shown Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime is more effective at holding calcium than conventional lime.

Hi-Yield® Fast Acting Lime and Fast Acting Gypsum are powered by AST® (Advanced Soil Technology).

Safe for People, Pets and the Environment!


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