Fruit Tree Care

Fall Dormant: After the leaves drop in the fall.

This is the best time to prune.
Spray with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Horticultural Oil or Hi-Yield® Dormant Oil, thoroughly coat all the branches and trunk.
On Peaches spray with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Copper Fungicide to prevent Peach Leaf Curl.

Spring Dormant: Before the buds crack and you can see color in them.

This is the best time to fertilize with ferti•lome® Fruit, Citrus and Pecan Tree Food.
If you didn’t spray your dormant spray in the fall, do so now with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Horticultural Oil or Hi-Yield® Dormant


If you had Peach Leaf Curl last year, make a second application of ferti•lome® “Green” Label Copper Fungicide.    Just prior to bud break, make an application of ferti•lome® “Green” Label Fruit Tree Spray.

Bud Break: When you see color in the bud, up to full bloom.

The ONLY thing you spray for now is for Fire Blight.  Apply ferti•lome® Fire Blight Spray and repeat in 3 to 4 days and then every 7 days until blossoms drop.
-    OR
Spray with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Copper Fungicide, then 2 weeks later spray with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Fungicide 5, repeat with Copper Fungicide in 7 days and continue to alternate until blossoms drop.  Mostly affects Apple and Pear.

Petal Drop: When at least 75% - 85% of the blossoms have dropped.

Make at least 3 applications 7 to 14 days apart with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Fruit Tree Spray. (7 days apart during wet weather, 14 days apart when hot and dry.) This is an insecticide, fungicide and miticide.

Bacterial or Fungal Issues: Usually in cool wet springs/summers.

Spray with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Copper Fungicide and alternate with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Fungicide 5 per instructions above.  Always make at least 2 applications of each for best results.
May also apply ferti•lome® F-Stop, either alone or alternate with ferti•lome® “Green” Label Copper Fungicide when fungus is a concern.

Insects: Later in the season, after at least 3 applications of ferti•lome® "Green" Label Fruit Tree Spray.

For Worms and Caterpillars, including Codling Moth, apply ferti•lome® “Green” Label Spinosad, repeating in 10 - 14 days.
For soft-bodied insects, including Aphids, apply ferti•lome® “Green” Label Spinosad Soap. Spray early in the morning, late in the evening or on a cloudy day to avoid burning.
For a hard-chemistry, broad spectrum insecticide, apply Hi-Yield® Garden & Farm Insect Control Spray.

Fertilizer: Early spring or late fall or after storm damage to help recovery.

Use ferti•lome® Fruit, Citrus and Pecan Tree Food.  One application per year is sufficient, don’t over apply. Use Hi-Yield® Zinc Sulfate on Pecans to help prevent and control Rosette.


On fruit trees prune out damaged area and apply ferti•lome® Pruning Seal or ferti•lome® Pruning Paint. This helps to keep insects out and helps prevent rot on soft wood.  Also fertilize for recovery.


Fruit Tree Products



